About Us


ORIGCHIP (HK) ELECTRONIC LIMITED we stock obsolete electronic components from over 2394 manufacturers. ORIGCHIP is an independent, non-authorized, distributor of the manufacturers listed below. We provide detailed information about the manufacturer, the parts we stock, as well as product datasheets and tech support phone numbers.

Procurement Services

Our solutions are effective and deliver a clear advantage over our competitors. With offices in HONGKONG, USA, Europe and Asia, ORIGCHIP has the ability to source and purchase worldwide, but most importantly, we have the possibility to logistically ship Just in time (J.I.T) from virtually anywhere in the world to satisfy the needs of our customers.


Spot Market Search

When you request an obsolete, hard to find, or allocated product, our Spot Market Search Service has a proven track record for completing your order. We have strong connections, powerful tools, and extensive experience in the spot market industry that we utilize to offer the best parts and price for our clients. Our Asia office takes over the procurement request once your parts cannot be located in The Americas or Europe. Using only approved vendors and OEM’s, you can rest assure that your quote will only consist of quality parts

Yearly Distribution

We offer a yearly distribution program with extremely competitive pricing along with customized on time shipping schedules. By stocking a safety supply, instant orders are at your command. Using our service and facility will guarantee you on-time delivery that can include payment options for smaller OEM’s and CEM’s.

Customized Service

If for any reason you need to have a particular service, product, or requirements setup, ORIGCHIP will work with you to customize your needs. A sales representative for your location will discuss the details to arrange our Customized Service Solution.

Combined Shipping

ORIGCHIP expanded warehouse has the ability to store, sort and maintain product from local and international vendors until a combined shipment to you makes economic sense. We will, per your selections, purchase items and ship them to our warehouse. Once all your orders have been placed, we will consolidate the shipment in order to save you on shipping charges. This benefits you in many ways, first you buy on approved credit from us, second you pay only for shipment from us instead of several international shipping and handling charges from other vendors, and third is the workload you save by having us do the job.

Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) Solution

Are you being forced to buy more than you need? In most cases, ORIGCHIP has a unique relationship with our suppliers that often allows you to purchase only the quantity that you need. Please contact a sales representative for more information.